Page 109 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 109


                                                         Being an Angel……

                he lilting melodies wafting from a tractor plying along the dusty and rutted sandy   The toys have been carefully chosen by the Hemas Outreach Foundation team
            Ttrack draw them from their humble homes, for they herald the good news that the   members. The handover in early December to the army team which would be
            area has been chosen under the ‘Be an Angel’ Project of the Hemas Group.  distributing them has been on the 9  floor of the Hemas Group’s offices at Braybrooke
                                                                                   Place in Colombo, with no tamasha. It is a token handover with a few photographs
            It is December 27 , 2021 and the children run and skip, some in rubber slippers but   being clicked to document the event.
            most barefoot, to stand in tiny knots at their gates, giggling, gesticulating and enjoying
            a little excitement in their mundane lives full of hardship. So do the adults, with their   In Kanagarayakulam and Kulukunawa, grandmothers give toothless smiles, hugging
            pet dogs and cats and their cattle, goats and chickens.                their grandchildren who, in turn, are clutching their gifts, while a tiny tot overcome by
                                                                                   emotion hides her head in her sister’s skirt.
            Manning the tractor and a truck full of gifts of different shapes and sizes wrapped in
            bright colours are ‘Santas’ who have donned red suits over their military uniforms to   As the evening shadows lengthen, the tractor and the truck accompanied by teenage
            join the Hemas Group to bring a little cheer to the lives of children in villages in the   cyclists drive into a rousing welcome in the compound of the little St. Anthony’s
            Kanagarayakulam and Kulukunawa areas, where also the elephants and crocodiles   Church, lit up with strings of twinkling lights.
            roam, in the Mullaitivu district.
                                                                                   The team from the Hemas Group and the army personnel are ushered into the church
            The villagers depend on the sale of the little milk that they get from a few kiri-harak   by the Parish Priest and led to seats right at the front, after being garlanded at a table
            (milch cows) that they own and also the cow-dung -- the odour of which hangs heavily   stacked with rice and coconut and a pot decorated with mango leaves, where burns
            in the air -- to keep starvation from the doors of their half-built huts.  an oil lamp.
            The tractor with its ‘reindeer’, Christmas tree dressed in sparkling lights and balloons   While there is a crib with Baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes in the corner of the
            billowing in the light breeze and the truck, make many a stop, while the Santas   altar, many items including carols linked to Christmas are performed by the children
            hand over toys – cooking sets, bulldozers, dinosaurs, buses, dolls, school bags and   for the benefit of the visitors from Colombo who have come bearing gifts like the three
            instrument boxes – to these children, who unlike those in the cities, may never have   Magi in the nativity. There is an air of expectancy here too as children of different ages
            got one in their lives.                                                await their gifts.

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