Page 118 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 118

This gave me an opportunity to engage                              The  then Commissioner  of the  Department of  Probation and  Childcare  Services,
             in social service in a structured manner.                          Yamuna Perera, had underscored that each child is born with the right to an education.
                                                                                Despite the free education system, poverty and lack of importance given to education
             It opened up a pathway to much more                                as a result of family hardships, deprive children of this basic right.
             volunteer work.                                                    “The Nena Diriya programme is designed to retain children in their family environment.
                                                                                It provides financial assistance for their education during the most crucial years of
                                                                                their lives, relieving their family from this financial burden. We are extremely happy
             Roshan Mahanama                                                    that Hemas through its well-known brand Baby Cheramy, has come forward to support
             Brand Ambassador, Hemas Outreach Foundation                        such a worthy cause,” she had added.

                                                                                How would the Big Heart Project be funded?
                                                                                While the Baby Cheramy brand assured a donation of 50 cents from every product sold,
             I was fortunate to give leadership to the                          former national cricketer Roshan Mahanama had been invited by the Hemas Outreach
                                                                                Foundation and with an open heart accepted the invitation to be its volunteer Project
             activation of the campaign at ground                               Ambassador.

             level. Maximum support was extended                                He had told the media briefing with humility that he was very proud to represent this
             by the Hemas top management as well as                             “worthy” cause.

             from the staff to make it a super success.                         “It has been my lifelong dream to support and promote the education of children in Sri
                                                                                Lanka. A little gesture of kindness today can reap immense benefits in the future for
                                                                                these children. My ambition is to garner as much support as possible, both locally and
             Sajith Mudalige                                                    internationally for this cause,” Roshan had assured.
             Senior Manager – Marketing Services of the Hemas Group
                                                                                ………And garner support he did. This dashing right-hand batsman and brilliant fielder
                                                                                had called upon his fellow cricketers and ‘Lions’ of Sri Lanka who had brought glory to
                                                                                the country amidst numerous vicissitudes by winning the treasured 1996 World Cup.

                                                                                Taking to the field as a team once again on January 12 , 2013, the legendary cricketers
                                                                                had not been out to prove their mettle against the Australians as they did back then on
                                                                                March 17 , 1996 in Lahore, Pakistan, at the World Cup organized by the International
                                                                                Cricket Council.
                                                                                The World Cup champions led by Captain Arjuna Ranatunga had been on a different
                                                                                quest. It was an exhibition T20 cricket match at the NCC grounds in Colombo with the
                                                                                opposing cricketers led by another former great, Sidath Wettimuny.

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