Page 136 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
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Knowing that they could not do it alone, the Hemas Outreach Foundation found more
          funding from like-minded MAS Holdings Pvt. Ltd., which joined as a key partner. Later   Vision of AYATI
          the Roshan Wijerama Family Foundation extended unstinting support, while Rotary
          District 3220 provided all of the audiology equipment.                   Enabling children with disabilities to reach their
                                                                                   unique potential.
          The others who chipped in included the People’s Bank; John Keells Holdings; Brandix;
          Access and Triad Integrated Total Communications with publicity material.
                                                                                   Mission of AYATI
          The foundation stone for the first National Centre for Children with Disabilities had
          been laid on December 3 , 2016.                                          Ensuring equal access to education, healthcare,
          The major role of undertaking the construction of the centre had been taken up by the   social participation and future employment for
          Sri Lanka Army.
                                                                                   children with disabilities in Sri Lanka.
          When the Hemas team approached then Army Commander Lieutenant General
          Mahesh Senanayake, he had readily agreed to lend the labours of the workforce for
          this national cause. The Commander had just one condition: “Give us the funds and
          we will complete the work in a year.”
          The responsibility of ensuring the completion of this worthy project on time, fell on
          the able shoulders of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Kumudu Perera, who
          deployed 250 personnel in addition to engineers, technical and accounting staff and
          project managers, et al.

          The Hemas team says that in exactly a year the army delivered on its promise and its
          contribution if calculated in monetary terms would amount to about Rs. 140 million.
          There was skill and efficiency with 100% commitment and accountability.

          The National Centre for Children with Disabilities was inaugurated by then President
          Gotabaya Rajapaksa on January 25 , 2020.
          Two years on, its doors are wide open to provide services free of charge to this very
          vulnerable group and already more than 9,200 children are registered at AYATI.

          The centre carries out multi-disciplinary clinical services throughout the
          week covering all physical and mental disabilities. Initial screening is followed
          up with interventions that include Speech & Language Therapy, Audiology,
          Physiotherapy, Family Therapy, Occupational Therapy and more.

                                                                                Former cricketers Mr. Roshan Mahanama and Mr. Kumar Sangakkara with Kosala.

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