Page 81 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 81

Namal loved to go to school and dance. He                          The Hemas Group’s initiative to take under its wing children with disabilities did not
                knew on what days there would be school                            end with the Alokapura Preschool. It set in place the stepping stones for a bigger
                and on what days he was on holiday. He                             As the words of many parents including those of Namal’s  Amma and  Thaththa
                got up early on school days and was very                           resonated with the Hemas team, the realization dawned that “much more” needed to
                                                                                   be done for these stigmatized children.
                excited to leave home for school.
                                                                                   In one emotion-gripped voice, many of them had said that their deepest wish was that
                                                                                   their beloved children would die at least 1 hour before them, usually unthinkable for
                Wimalaseeli Navimana                                               any parent. They feared they would be abandoning their children to an unforeseen
                Namal’s still tearful mother                                       future without anyone to look after them after they were no more.
                                                                                   “We cannot die in peace as we do not know the dark future that would engulf them,”
                                                                                   they had added. Therefore, it was best if the children died before them, they felt.
                                                                                   Heartbreakingly, this wish has come true in the case of Namal. Struggling against severe
                                                                                   odds to do their best for Namal, his parents had to bid him a permanent goodbye as
                                                                                   he breathed his last on April 7 , 2016. Namal was 20 years old and in the prime of his
                                                                                   “What more could we do?” This was what the Hemas Group pondered and through
                                                                                   its concern was born – AYATI, Sri Lanka’s first National Centre for Children with
                                                                                   Disabilities vested with the public, in 2020.

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