Page 88 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 88

There were major challenges when a huge                            Menik Farm was swarming with unwelcome neela masso (huge flies) drawn by the
             crowd descended on Menik Farm. We                                  stench of excreta being all over the place and not in the toilets.

             had to provide food, shelter, sanitation                           Army personnel were performing a commendable humanitarian service in difficult
                                                                                conditions. They were cooking and, even in some cases, feeding the IDPs. They were
             and security to 325,000 people. Among                              bathing them and urging them to brush their teeth, as their oral health was non-
                                                                                existent. They were also tending to their wounds including infectious scabies.
             those who were accommodated at Menik                               Brigadier Indunil Silva who was in charge of Menik Farm was not only seeking supplies
             Farm, there were very small children and                           of crutches and wheelchairs but also toothpaste which many take for granted in

             very old people. There were the disabled,                          towns……..and the Hemas Group responded without hesitation.
             some without limbs and some who were                               Lorry-loads of crutches (over 100), wheelchairs (over 50), soap and toothpaste as well
                                                                                as lots of toys, used and hardly used, were sent to Menik Farm by the Hemas Group,
             paralyzed. There was a boy of about 12                             donated by the company and the staff, with no marketing or branding to get publicity
             who had no legs who had to be carried all                          crossing the minds of the management.

             the while by his brother or his father.                            Conscious of the need for a hearts-and-minds operation on the part of the army which
                                                                                the LTTE had portrayed as enemies of the Tamil people, the Hemas Group provided
             The Hemas Group volunteered to help the                            the toys, crutches, wheelchairs, soap and toothpaste for the soldiers to distribute so
                                                                                that rapport and confidence could be built between the army and the people. A single
             army which was managing Menik Farm                                 toy would get dozens of tiny outstretched hands.
             which had around 20 mini-zones covering                            Next, the Hemas Group set about identifying a location for a temporary preschool and

             a large area from Chettikulam in Vavuniya                          also a contractor to build a basic wattle-and-daub structure topped by a takarang roof.
                                                                                But the quote was a very high Rs. 600,000 and it was then that the army came forward
             to Parayanakulam in Mannar.                                        with a Rs. 100,000 figure.

             Unlike some others, the Hemas Group did                            This was as Jayantha, in coordination with the Northern Province’s Ministry of
                                                                                Education, mobilized preschool and other teachers within Menik Farm who themselves
             not try to earn money out of the suffering                         were IDPs and launched a training programme.
             of the people. It provided crutches and                            Within a month everything had fallen into place, with colourful swings, mat slides

             other medical devices and also set up                              and a small merry-go-round adorning a sellam midula in Menik Farm, beckoning the
                                                                                traumatized children.
             preschools within Menik Farm.

             Brigadier Indunil Silva
             Then in charge of Menik Farm

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