Page 142 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 142

“This year, when we realized that many children and parents were in hunger because   Getting involved in these two much-
          they came to the centre without breakfast and they couldn’t afford to buy anything
          from our cafeteria either, we started a programme that offers free breakfast and/or   needed national initiatives gave me a
          lunch for those who are in need. That is just a small example of how our staff sees our   sense of contentment and fulfilment.
          children and their families holistically and try to support them in all aspects.
                                                                                    I am thankful to the Hemas Outreach
          “The regulatory environment under which the University of Kelaniya operates is very
          different to that in which corporate entities like Hemas and MAS operate. We have had   Foundation for giving me the opportunity
          to learn to see the world from each other’s perspective in order to work together and   to be part of such noble social welfare
          realize our shared dream. I am particularly grateful that the Board of Trustees has not
          confined itself to fund-raising for the construction of the building, but has continued   work.
          to support the operation of the centre, both financially and in terms of management
          strategies. It has been a wonderfully rewarding experience for all of us.”
                                                                                    Major General Kumudu Perera
          On  the  contribution  of  the  army,  meanwhile,  Major  General  Kumudu  Perera  says   Then Deputy Chief of Staff, Sri Lanka Army
          that the army has been involved in various social welfare activities as part of its role.
          Therefore, he too has been involved in “support roles” to many such activities and has
          also created his own projects in less-privileged areas. Thus he was “very fortunate” to
          be part of the Piyawara project and construct 10 preschools.
          “I feel happy about getting involved in laying a solid educational foundation to the
          future of the nation,” he says.

          Major General Perera adds: “When the AYATI project was discussed and funding was
          sought, I realized its importance and the value to affected children. Hence, I suggested
          that the construction of AYATI could be carried out by the Defence Forces.
          “I had a discussion with the then Chief of Defence Staff, Vice Admiral Ravi
          Wijegunaratne and he willingly agreed to take over the construction. Thereafter,
          when the Sri Lanka Navy was committed to other duties, I spoke to the then Army
          Commander Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake and construction was taken
          over by the Sri Lanka Army until completion.”
          At AYATI, now that the pandemic has eased, there is a continuous flow of children
          with disabilities and their families from across the country. They consider AYATI their
          second home…….a place of clinical advice, interventions, therapy, comfort, solace and

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