Page 147 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 147


                               A social movement & song for equality

                veryone is equal and everyone has the right to feel that they belong. This was the   The 2  pillar will help to highlight the skills of these children and showcase their
            Ecrux of the message that the Hemas Outreach Foundation together with AYATI   talents.
            – the National Centre for Children with Disabilities shouted from the rooftops at the   rd
            launch of the ‘Eka Se Salakamu’ (Treat All Alike) Programme.           The 3  pillar is the promotion of employment of people who are intellectually impaired
                                                                                   as the Hemas Group works to provide them with a sense of renewed purpose through
            This social movement aimed at empowering children and families with Down   the prospect of employment.
            Syndrome and creating a platform to recognize their rights and promote
            inclusivity was set afloat on World Down Syndrome Day, March 21 , 2021.   With consistent awareness a necessity to bring about that vital difference and change
                                                                                   in the mind-set within a community, the movement has paved the way to build
            The Eka Se Salakamu movement provides a platform for these families and children   partnerships with key stakeholders.
            to air their views, showcase their talents, share their experiences and lobby for their
            rights.                                                                While it seeks to invite international experts to Sri Lanka through AYATI to collaborate
                                                                                   and work with professional bodies here, the Hemas Outreach Foundation and AYATI
            It will facilitate the conducting of surveys and collection of data on Down Syndrome in   also hope to leverage on the wealth of knowledge and data that these institutes have
            partnership with the academic staff of AYATI – the National Centre for Children with   gathered over the years through their work on children with disabilities.
            Disabilities, introduce respite care and new programmes such as counselling and art
            and drama therapy for parents and lobby for state involvement in the setting up of a   Promoting inclusivity for these children in preschools and schools, the Eka Se Salakamu
            long-term care facility for orphaned Down Syndrome people.             movement will also create links with AYATI-supported employment centres to open
                                                                                   up opportunities for skilled Down Syndrome personnel in the corporate sector.
            One strong pillar on which the Eka Se Salakamu movement is held aloft is the effort
            to tackle stigma, as children with Down Syndrome are a group that is one of the most   Anyone who visits the corporate offices of the Hemas Group, will meet Kosala Perera.
            stigmatized in society. As such, the Hemas Group which champions ‘healthful living’   Smartly-clad Kosala is the apple of the eye of his parents and favourite employee of the
            is set on creating a more inclusive world by establishing a platform for families to air   Hemas Group. Working as the office assistant of the company, he has had the privilege
            their views and get much-needed support from the community.            of meeting famous people including cricketers within Hemas House.

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