Page 67 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 67

•  The German Travel Association DRV to build 2 preschools in Galle 2 & Weligama
                                                                                     In a major honour bestowed on the Hemas
            •  The German logistics company Hellmaan to build 1 preschool in Navadanweli,
               Chavalakadei                                                          Tsunami Foundation, the Trustees were

            •  The Sri Lankan company Tajima Colombo (Pte) Ltd., along with Hitoshi Tajima,   requested to symbolically hand over 20 Model
               the President of Tajima Industries Ltd., Nagoya, Japan, to build 1 preschool in   Preschools in the tsunami-affected areas to
                                                                                     President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
            When the final tally was taken, there were funds only for 17 preschools and a  scramble
            had begun to find donors. Otherwise, the children of Bentota, Ratgama and Boossa   The occasion was the launch of ‘The National
            would be left out in the cold without preschools.
                                                                                     Year of Children’ on February 1 , 2006, by the
            Looking around for donors, the Hemas team had approached the Asian Development
            Bank (ADB) but there was a major snag. According to its protocols, the ADB could not   government.
            provide funds to the private sector but had to work with the government. The ADB had
            requested the Pradeshiya Sabha (PS) Chairmen in these 3 areas to present their case as
            to why the ADB should allocate funds to them to put up the preschools, at a meeting
            at the Galle Secretariat.
            With the ADB staff present being foreigners and a language barrier cropping up as
            well as ignorance of the ECCD programme among these Chairmen, Shiromi had deftly
            intervened to handle the meeting on their behalf and the matter had been settled
            without further ado.

            Thereafter, the promises of the Hemas Group had been fulfilled and 20 Model
            Preschools for tsunami-affected children were up and running.

                                                                                      The symbolic handover of the Model Preschools in the tsunami-affected areas to President Mahinda
                                                                                      Rajapaksa by Mr. Murtaza Esufally.

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