Page 97 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 97


                                        Birth of ‘Community Preschools’

                 any lessons emerged from the vast experiences gathered by the Piyawara project   The existing preschool was a chooti maduwak (tiny shed) and it was here that the
            Mafter the tsunami and Menik Farm.                                     Hemas Group through Piyawara, working closely with the Children’s Secretariat, was
                                                                                   able to infuse new life and vigour to a much-maligned community.
            The Hemas Outreach Foundation realized to its dismay that even though a large
            number of children flocked to preschools in urban and semi-urban settings, it was   It was also here that the Hemas Outreach Foundation came up with the concept
            more difficult to tempt the little ones and also their parents to make use of this golden   of a Community Preschool – Ambalnagar being the launch of a successful
            opportunity in the remote areas.                                       initiative which then took root in many other areas. While preschools in towns
                                                                                   catered to more than 100 children, these ‘Community Preschools’ in remote
            Poverty was at the top of the list which prevented children from very rural areas from   areas were targeting around half the number, about 50 children, from several
            walking into the preschools. Most of their parents were barely managing to eke out a   adjoining villages. Community Preschools have proven to be successful in
            living and the children faced hardship with regard to food, clothing and footwear.
                                                                                   keeping drop-outs at bay.
            There was also a severe lack of facilities in the tiny preschools that had mushroomed in   With 2 classrooms opening onto a little verandah, Community Preschools are built to
            their villages. There was no water and there were also no sanitary facilities.
                                                                                   maximize the channelling of sunlight which the country is blessed with. To overcome
            When the request came from the Commander of the Security Forces in Kilinochchi,   the lack of access to water  considered a ‘luxury’ in such areas, even though it is a ‘basic
            Major General Nandana Udawatta, that model preschools should be established in    necessity’, this elixir of life for drinking and sanitary facilities is supplied through a
            the areas torn asunder by the northeast conflict, attention immediately turned towards   tube well, with a network of pipes.
            Ambalnagar in Shanthipuram.
                                                                                   With the Hemas Group being the first private company to venture into Ambalnagar,
            Around 10km from Kilinochchi’s Security Forces Headquarters, the 200-odd families   numerous had been the allegations levelled that it was attempting to change the
            in Ambalnagar had migrated from the upcountry estates hoping for greener pastures.   culture of the village.
            The battle for survival included cultural differences and caste issues.
                                                                                   However, the Hemas Group, ably supported by then Minister of Women and Child
            No official, either from the administration or any other institute would step into the   Affairs, Tissa Karaliyadda, had stood up for what was right. In keeping with global and
            village as also the vital ground-level health staff. The villagers were literally living in   national standards in setting up preschools, the little ones got their desks and chairs to
            isolation against man-made odds.                                       begin their early education and development journey with dignity.

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