Page 99 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 99

Humbled and privileged are we as senior                            Playing a proactive role and not being a silent observer, Minister Karaliyadda had
                army officials to be part of this generous                         tactfully intervened to sort out this issue imposed by intransigent officials hiding
                                                                                   behind archaic thinking. Ambalnagar was the change-agent and also ‘teacher’ on
                gesture. As we all know, early learning is                         the needs of children in remote villages as well as difficult areas. Of the 62 Piyawara
                                                                                   Preschools in the country, 39 are Community Preschools.
                considered the ‘most powerful weapon’                              While there are Community Preschools in Mullaitivu, Mannar, Vavuniya, Moneragala,
                which can change society.                                          Ampara and Gomare in Kandy, in the heart of the business capital of Colombo
                                                                                   is the latest one under construction in the under-served and congested area of
                                                                                   Wanathamulla. Some of the preschools in the north are managed by teachers who are
                Major General Nandana Udawatta                                     rehabilitated cadres of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) who are armed
                Then Commander, Kilinochchi Security Forces Hqrs.
                                                                                   with Diplomas in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD). They are paid by
                                                                                   the Civil Defence Force.
                                                                                   The Ambalnagar Community Preschool, meanwhile, is now the very heart of a bustling
                In a reflection of the location of the                             village where the midwife from the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) office is a regular
                                                                                   visitor to ensure the well-being of mothers and children. Rural banks and businesses
                preschool, the little ones are guided                              are flourishing here.
                towards tending vegetable plots. We are                            It was also at Ambalnagar that in December 2011, the spirit of the season of gift-giving

                growing brinjal, ladies’ fingers, tomato                           and inclusivity through the ‘Be an Angel’ Project was initiated by the Hemas Group
                                                                                   and implemented by the army to the joy of children and parents.
                and green chillie, while the garden is                             Off-the-beaten track in Vavuniya is impoverished Salalihini-gama, Bogaswewa,  where

                also dotted with fruit trees such as delum                         the Community Preschool attracts children from several surrounding villages. Where
                (pomegranate), ambarella, mango and                                once the village only boasted of a single petti-kade (a boutique made of planks), there is
                                                                                   now much development along with permanent homes made of brick.
                jam fruit.                                                         It was relatively more recently in 2019 that the remote Walagampura Community
                                                                                   Preschool was set up in the Uhana area in the Ampara district.
                R.M. Ramya Chandrani
                Teacher at Walagampura Community Preschool                         Walagampura is pastoral with the 600 families into paddy and chena (slash-and-burn)
                                                                                   cultivations. The chena cultivations include vegetables and bada-iringu (corn).
                                                                                   “The preschool I started back in 1985 was a katu-mati (wattle-and-daub) one but with
                                                                                   Piyawara’s input we raised it to a different level,” says Walagampura teacher R.M.
                                                                                   Ramya Chandrani, pointing out that it provides a solid foundation for children to step
                                                                                   out into the bigger world of school and life. It is hands-on engagement with the little
                                                                                   ones strengthened through constant parental interaction.

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