Page 11 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
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                                    The tale as told by the ‘Pothe Gura’

              t was nothing new to them. Hemas Holdings PLC was always into corporate social   This had followed a meeting with ministry officials with whom Shiromi was in contact
            Iresponsibility (CSR) projects and it was in this culture that the Executive Director   after the Kalutara pilot attempt, at which the spotlight had been turned on a “huge
            of the Hemas Outreach Foundation, Shiromi Masakorala, then attached to the Fast-  problem” along with a fervent appeal to “join hands” with the ECCD Programme.
            Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Division, was going about her work.
                                                                                   In June-July 2002, the Hemas team criss-crossed the whole of Sri Lanka to get an insight
            Back in 2001, Hemas with their flagship product ‘Baby Cheramy’ had partnered with   into issues linked to preschools for they knew that ECCD is a critical human capital
            UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) to make parents more knowledgeable on   investment.
            how to equip their little ones with the right foundation under an Early Childhood
            Development Project. The project piloted in the Kalutara district had not yielded the   Everything clicked because it synchronized with the very ideology of the Hemas
            expected results and been abandoned.                                   Group – an inclusive society where no child is left behind. The thinking was simple and
                                                                                   clear – a holistic approach to ECCD with the additional component of infrastructure
            Early childhood or the period from birth to about 8 years has been scientifically   development.
            proven as the most important in a child’s life. It is the period when the child’s
            brain is like a blank canvas to be drawn by the child’s experiences, with around   ……..And so was born ‘Project Piyawara’ in 2002 with the primary spotlight on ECCD
            80%  of  brain development  taking  place  then.  Early Childhood Care  and   through the establishment of child-friendly ‘Model’ Preschools across Sri Lanka to set
            Development (ECCD) aims to provide all inputs necessary for the child to reach   the small ones along a pathway of lifelong learning, inclusive of social skills.
            his/her potential.                                                     Piyawara signifies the initial steps taken by a child at the beginning of his/her journey. Its
                                                                                   focus – children in the tender age group of 3-5 years.
            Under the overarching umbrella of ECCD is assured the child’s cognitive, physical,
            social and emotional development.                                      The  all-encompassing Piyawara  Framework included  creating  parental awareness;
                                                                                   engaging in teacher training; improving recreational facilities; empowering children with
            So, armed with business acumen, the Hemas Group in coordination with the Children’s
            Secretariat (now the National Early Childhood Care and Development Secretariat) of   special needs; working towards the eradication of child abuse; improving infrastructure
            the then Ministry of Social Services set about putting forth a long term, not ad hoc,   development – adding model preschools to the national network or upgrading existing
            strategic CSR plan for the betterment of the tiny tots of Sri Lanka in May 2002.  structures to meet minimum standards required for model preschools; and emergency
                                                                                   intervention during national disasters, whether natural or man-made.

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