Page 12 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 12

Back in 2002, when we took stock of                                The initial request of the government was: “Upgrade 10 preschools in 10 districts
             our philanthropic efforts, we realized                             to model schools.” The districts were Anuradhapura, Badulla, Batticaloa, Gampaha,
                                                                                Jaffna, Kurunegala, Matale, Matara, Polonnaruwa and Ratnapura. The Children’s
             that we were doing many things but                                 Secretariat had the plan for model preschools but was facing challenges in setting
                                                                                them up at ground level.
             not making a significant impact. In our                            “Go ahead,” said the then Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Hemas Group, Husein
             discussions with multiple stakeholders,                            Esufally, without a moment’s hesitation when the framework was presented to the
             we saw a clear ‘needs space’ in Early                              Board of Directors. When launched in 2002, the funds for the project were channelled
                                                                                from the CSR budget of the Hemas Group.
             Childhood Development. Our vision                                  For Piyawara itself, the first step was training teachers and in August 2002, 20 teachers
             was to create a best in class model in                             from the 10 districts underwent an 11-day residential programme.

             partnership with the government so                                 It was in January 2003 that the official launch of Piyawara took place at a 5-star hotel in
             that we could shape the minds of our                               Colombo, in a simple but moving ceremony with CEO Esufally from the Hemas Group
                                                                                and then Minister of Social Services, Ravindra Samaraweera, placing their signatures
             children in their most formative years.                            on the agreement.
             It is out of this that Piyawara was born.                          Under the agreement, the government provided the land and structures for the

                                                                                Hemas Group to renovate and refurbish the preschools and hand them over to
                                                                                the authorities who then provided the teachers. Thereafter, the Hemas Group
             Husein Esufally                                                    together with the ministry would monitor the progress of these preschools,
             Chairman of Hemas Holdings PLC                                     while also conducting annual teacher training programmes and parental
                                                                                awareness campaigns.

                                                                                The Hemas Group went a step further by setting up Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs)
                                                                                in the newly-built preschools, with an initial donation of Rs. 50,000 to each as seed
                                                                                money to build up their own funds. The PTAs are expected to attend to minor repairs
                                                                                while also expanding their fund to be utilized for maintenance of the preschools.

                                                                                For the Hemas Group, meanwhile, 2003 was a landmark year as it was having an Initial
                                                                                Public Offering (IPO) and Husein was keen to strategise and ‘offer’ something to meet
                                                                                a national need, not just a one-off CSR activity such as cleaning a hospital or painting
                                                                                a bus halt here and there. This further strengthened the commitment to Piyawara.
                                                                                Before  embarking  on  this  long  journey  which  has  lasted  over  two  decades  and  is
                                                                                wending its way forward into the future with the Hemas Group as the bulwark, for
                                                                                Shiromi and Nalika Jayasuriya of the same division, the reality check at ground level in
                                                                                June-July 2002 came as a very disturbing experience.

          4      Hemas Piyawara  - A Journey to the Future
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