Page 16 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 16

With 62 preschools throughout the                                  It was 2003 and Nallur was the first, with Husein flying to Jaffna to witness the opening,
             length and breadth of the country,                                 an emotional moment for all at the Hemas Group. However, the challenges on-site
                                                                                were not over. The Koti Handa (‘Voice of Tigers’) radio had been insistent that Husein
             Piyawara is now recognized as a                                    should go with them to Kilinochchi, a ride of over 50km, for an interview, when Shiromi
                                                                                fearful of what might lie in store, volunteered to give the interview not in Kilinochchi
             national initiative which has positively                           but right there in Nallur. So Shiromi went on Koti Handa, being asked questions in
             impacted the lives of more than                                    Tamil and giving her answers in English, while the preschool opening got underway
                                                                                smoothly with around 75 children in attendance.
             100,000 children to date. It is a shining                          The other dire need too was being addressed – initially 20 teachers needing training

             example of a successful Public-Private                             not only in handling tiny tots but also equipping them with skills, participating in the
             Partnership for the betterment of                                  residential programme at the Malabe Training Centre. Some of them from distant
                                                                                places such as Jaffna and Batticaloa were seeing Colombo for the first time in their
             society.                                                           lives.

                                                                                It was not just intensive training for the teachers but also fun times with a tour of the
                                                                                city followed by a grand meal at a 5-star hotel hosted by the Hemas Group.
             Abbas Esufally
             Group Director of Hemas Holdings PLC &                             Going beyond training, it was also bonding for the teachers from different
             Chairperson of Hemas Outreach Foundation                           cultures and backgrounds, such diversity being the very essence that makes Sri
                                                                                Lanka extraordinary. Bonds which remain strong across time and geographical
                                                                                regions even now.

                                                                                There was also much love from the teachers and the little ones of Jaffna for the Hemas
                                                                                team, with 3-year-olds flocking around Shiromi and tentatively touching her to see
                                                                                whether she was really there, having only seen soldiers from the south. One day, Shiromi
                                                                                had been enthralled by a talent show put up by these children at the community centre
                                                                                on Navalar Road when she was shaken out of her skin by what sounded like a clap
                                                                                of thunder. Frozen to her seat, she had only come out of the shock when a child had
                                                                                whispered to her mother to “tell Aunty that it was only a fire-cracker and not a bomb!”

                                                                                The regions where the Hemas Group has gently touched numerous lives through
                                                                                ECCD are diverse. Working through thick and thin has come fulfilment.

                                                                                Many are the stakeholders that the Hemas team worked with and continue to work
                                                                                with. Even though ECCD is a devolved subject under the provincial administration
                                                                                which allocates the budgets, policy directions are by the central government.

          8      Hemas Piyawara  - A Journey to the Future
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