Page 18 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 18

Piyawara is built on the ethos of                                  The Municipal Councils (MCs), Urban Councils (UCs) and Pradeshiya Sabhas (PSs)
             eliminating inequality to create a more                            run the preschools with each province having its own system. The preschool teachers
                                                                                are entitled to charge a nominal fee from their little wards as remuneration for their
             inclusive world.  This is the very heart                           work. In many cases, pre-Piyawara, it was often an untrained mother in the village who
                                                                                conducted the preschool, more as a service than anything else.
             of our purpose.
                                                                                Even though the mandate of the Hemas Group under the agreement was refurbishment
                                                                                of selected preschools, the team found to their dismay that Jaffna’s was just a garage.
             Kasturi Chellaraja Wilson                                          This brought forth the initiative to build a preschool as there simply was no building
             Chief Executive Officer of Hemas Holdings PLC                      to refurbish. Thus the honour of being the flag bearer of the first-ever Model Preschool
                                                                                built under Piyawara is held by Jaffna.

                                                                                With the challenges faced by the north during the war, the Jaffna Preschool was small
                                                                                as the Hemas Group had to manage with available resources, but there has been a re-
                                                                                awakening post-war with a newer Model Preschool.

                                                                                Along with Jaffna, the Hemas Group simultaneously set about refurbishment of
                                                                                preschools in the areas allocated to them – Kurunegala, Polonnaruwa and others,
                                                                                opening model preschools in 2003 and 2004.

                                                                                The Hemas Group’s partnerships have gone beyond ground-level structures or training
                                                                                of preschool teachers, with Shiromi heavily involved in the development of the very first
                                                                                National Policy on ECCD in 2004 and with the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs
                                                                                up to now. This was by virtue of being appointed to the ministry’s National Committee
                                                                                on ECCD which is the policymaking body. Shiromi is the longest-serving member of
                                                                                this committee. In 2013, meanwhile, Shiromi was also appointed as a Director of the
                                                                                National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) for three years.

                                                                                The challenges overcome on Piyawara’s long journey of 20 years and the milestones
                                                                                passed are many…….

                                                                                Among them are the tragedy of the natural disaster of the tsunami which engulfed a
                                                                                large stretch of the country’s coastline; the man-made disaster in the north and east
                                                                                which sent hundreds of thousands of displaced people to Menik Farm in Vavuniya; and
                                                                                the plight of children with disabilities tied up in tiny rooms for fear of stigma.

          10     Hemas Piyawara  - A Journey to the Future
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