Page 21 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 21


                             Training for preschool teachers takes off

                he need was dire. As the Hemas team travelled across the country on a    This was a turning point for Piyawara as working with the ministry gave the project
            Tfact-finding mission with regard to preschools, a factor that became clear was the   recognition among the people.
            urgent need to train the teachers who were handling little ones in preschools under
            their care.                                                            In this major Public-Private Partnership (PPP), behind-the-scenes there is much work
                                                                                   before the training programme gets underway each year.
            Often, these teachers, all women, were not paid a cent for their efforts but allowed to
            charge “something” from their little wards but that was not much. They were mostly   The ministry would inform the relevant local authorities – the Municipal Councils
            drawn from the village itself – young mothers or girls who were about to be married.  (MCs), Urban Councils (UCs) and Pradeshiya Sabhas (PSs) – and also the Divisional
                                                                                   Secretariats about the forthcoming training.
            They set up their preschools wherever there was a little space – in a hut close to their
            homes, in the harak maduwa (cattle shed) in their gardens to which the cows returned   While the teachers are paid a 3-day allowance by the Hemas Group, its staff would
            at night after grazing freely during the day, in an open area in the village even like a   make all the arrangements which include logistics and  board and lodging. These
            cemetery or on the bend of a road.                                     staff officers stay overnight with the teachers to ensure their safety and the smooth
                                                                                   running of the programme, with the ministry also nominating 2 staff officers from
            While a few of the teachers had secured a Diploma in Early Childhood Care and   the Children’s Secretariat to do the same. The resource personnel are selected by the
            Development (ECCD), numerous others did not have a paper qualification.  ministry, with all payments such as their allowances and transport and lodging costs
                                                                                   also being borne by the Hemas Group.
            The first step before refurbishing or even building preschools was the training of the
            teachers and so with the support of the Deputy Director of the Children’s Secretariat,   Such close interactions lead to strong and lasting bonds among the different categories,
            Jayantha Peiris, the Hemas Group organized an 11-day formal residential programme   forming one big family.
            in August 2002 in Malabe, a suburb of Colombo. Another who played a key role in this
            nascent project was Prof. Elsie Kotelawala, Consultant and Advisor to the Children’s   Launched in Malabe, in the years that followed, the training programme ‘moved’ to
            Secretariat which was then under the purview of the Ministry of Social Services and   Polonnaruwa, Hambantota, Jaffna, Trincomalee, Anuradhapura, Kalutara and Ella,
            later under the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs.                   while others were held in Malabe. For all who were part of the 2015 programme in
                                                                                   Jaffna, the train ride too had been memorable with compartments booked just for
            It was the first of annual training programmes that followed, which later were 3-day   them and the fun and laughter starting on the journey itself.
            residential programmes that moved from district to district, so that the teachers
            experienced the running of preschools in areas other than their own.
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