Page 26 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 26

Looking back at the Piyawara project,                              The kindness of fatherly Jayantha Sir is underscored. How when they were hosted at a
             I feel it is a contribution to the nation                          hotel near the waraya (port), he advised them to use cutlery such as forks and spoons
                                                                                when having their dinner. They got firsthand experience in moving about in society
             rather than an ad hoc thing which many                             and this was a major life-changer.
             companies do off and on. It is a true                              Ratnaseeli laughingly talks of how some of them were a little bit hungry (kaganna
                                                                                beri wuna) after dinner because they could not effectively use the cutlery and the
             legacy to Sri Lanka by the Hemas Group                             understanding and concern of Jayantha Sir who got them strong cups of milk tea
             and I am proud to have been part of all                            which were most welcome. “We got a loku denumak (wide knowledge) both inside and
                                                                                outside the classroom.”
             the hard work. It was worth the trouble
             and the effort.                                                                               Jayantha Sir had also visited her preschool later and
                                                                                                           it is with pride that Ratnaseeli says how all the new
                                                                                                           songs she learnt during the training helped her to
                                                                                                           pass them onto her children.
             Ninety-six-year-old Prof. Elsie Kotelawala
             Former Advisor to the Children’s Secretariat                                                  Appreciative of the national contribution of the
                                                                                                           Hemas Group, she adds that her little preschoolers
                                                                                                           won first place at an all-island singing competition
                                                                                                           by lustily belting out ‘Ude-rayen mal pipena’ which
                                                                                                           she learnt at her own training!
                                                                                                           An echo heard from all which Chandrani verbalizes
                                                                                                           is that the Hemas Group proved that it had true
                                                                                                           hangeem (feelings) for both the preschool children
                                                                                                           and their teachers.

                                                                                                           As each annual training programme draws to a
                                                                                                           close, the teachers bid adieu to each other with a
                                                                                                           cherished memento and Shiromi reminisces about
                                                                                                           2015, when she herself received a memento from the

                                                                                                           These teachers who are not wealthy had contributed
                                                                                                           Rs. 50 and coaxed the Polonnaruwa teacher to sculpt
                                                                                                           a stone statue of Tara Devi. Calling it her ‘Life Award’,
                                                                                                           Shiromi relives that tear-filled moment when she
                                                                                                           was handed over the statue with a beautiful poem
                                                                                The cherished Tara Devi statue.  engraved on its base.

          18     Hemas Piyawara  - A Journey to the Future
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