Page 37 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 37


                                               Challenges in varied forms

                s Piyawara made strides in the sphere of Early Childhood Care and   The expected challenges were  from the Liberation Tigers  of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
            ADevelopment (ECCD), hurdles were strewn along the way by various      members who followed the Hemas team everywhere they went in Jaffna. When
            individuals and groups, without an iota of feeling for the little ones of    construction of the new preschool was about to begin at the premises of the Medical
            Sri Lanka.                                                             Officer of Health (MOH) office, having got the nod from the Municipal Council (MC)
                                                                                   most probably after MC officials had run it past the Tiger hierarchy, armed cadres
            From the south came the grassroot-level  chandi  (thuggish) politicians demanding   had arrived at the site and halted the work. However, persistence and numerous
            kappam (extortion fees) and bribes, along with threats that if their ‘services’ such as   explanations had paid off.
            providing sand were not utilized, they would not allow the construction work to proceed.
                                                                                   Shiromi also relives a harrowing journey from Chenkaladi to Badulla, she and colleague
            These petty politicians wanting to popularize themselves and catch votes had also   Nalika Jayasuriya had along the A5. It was 2003 and they had not realized that it was
            been insistent that they be “invited” to the simple foundation-laying ceremonies sans   November 26 , the day the LTTE commemorated Maaveerar Naal (Great Heroes' Day)
            tamashas that were held under Piyawara in their areas. Threats from these politicians   in remembrance of those who had died in combat. The Hemas team had drawn the ire
            had come hot on the heels of explanations that only the respective teacher and   of the Tigers because they had a map of Sri Lanka with them for route guidance, which
            children would participate in these functions.
                                                                                   the LTTE had assumed was for surveillance.
            “When the Hemas Group was adamant that it would not be a party to bribing, whether   The Hemas team, Shiromi, Nalika and driver Gamini Weerakkody, had been ordered
            paying exorbitant rates for ‘services’ or sending a large-screen TV to the home of a   out of their vehicle, frogmarched at gunpoint to the hut at the Tiger checkpoint at
            politician, the consequences were dire. Vehicles carrying construction material were   Chenkaladi and questioned for many a long hour.
            blocked and sometimes death threats were issued,” says the Executive Director of the
            Hemas Outreach Foundation, Shiromi Masakorala.                         “Our biggest challenge during those times was sometimes the journey itself to the
                                                                                   north and the east on less-travelled, poorly-maintained roads. There were no places to
            Echoes site engineer Haroon Cassiere that pressure came from local politicians who   grab a bite and lodge. Bathroom-stops were by the roadside in scrub jungle. The worries
            demanded “donations”, which requests had to be “diplomatically” declined because   were what would happen if the vehicle stalled in the middle of ‘deserted nowhere’ as
            the Hemas Group did not resort to such means.
                                                                                   there was no backup. What kept us going was that we were doing something for the
            From the north came ‘expected’ and ‘unexpected’ challenges.            children. When they looked at us in awe, we were humbled,” says Nalika.

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