Page 42 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 42

“Those days, government funds allocated to all areas falling under the ministry
                                                                                including the Children’s Secretariat were inadequate,” he says, explaining that initially
                                                                                it came under the Ministry of Social Services and later the Ministry of Women and
                                                                                Child Affairs under Minister Tissa Karaliyadda. The Children's Secretariat was headed
                                                                                by Yamuna Perera.
                                                                                The umbrella of ECCD sheltered a wide range of activities such as the development of
                                                                                preschools; establishment of standards; appointment of suitable preschool teachers;
                                                                                work of public health midwives who were deployed under the Medical Officers
                                                                                of  Health (MOHs)  and  other  state  officials  working  with  children;  home-based
                                                                                public awareness programmes; and the commemoration of Children’s Day on October
                                                                                1 , annually.
                                                                                Reliving the scenes he encountered in the early 2000s, Sunil says that most preschools
                                                                                were held in the village’s place of worship such as a temple or church. They had minimal
                                                                                “When the Hemas Group sought ideas how to support a national-level initiative
          Mr. Abbas Esufally hands over a token of recognition to Mr. Sunil Samaraweera (above) at Piyawara’s   as a PPP, we asked whether it could help with preschool teacher training and
          10  anniversary in 2012 in Colombo. In a photo clicked at the event are (from left) Dr. Sudarshini   also developing and providing facilities for 10 preschools operating under the
          Fernandopulle, Ms. Indrani Sugathadasa, Ms. Shiromi Masakorala, Ms. Sumedha G. Jayasena & Mr. Tissa   local government authorities in 10 districts initially,” says Sunil, reiterating that
          Karaliyadda (below).
                                                                                the reply was a wholehearted “yes”.
                                                                                He says that whereas the government with its financial burdens could allocate only
                                                                                Rs. 2 million for the Children’s Secretariat per year, the Hemas Group generously
                                                                                provided Rs. 5 million for each model preschool.
                                                                                “Piyawara also helped make stronger bonds among the different stakeholders who had
                                                                                a say with regard to children including the Ministries of Women and Child Affairs,
                                                                                Education, Provincial Councils & Local Government and Health at central government
                                                                                level and the Provincial Education Ministries which monitored and evaluated ECCD,”
                                                                                he points out.
                                                                                It was during this time that the tsunami engulfed Sri Lanka’s coastal areas and Sunil
                                                                                recalls those terrible times when “barapathala vidihata pera pasel vinasha wuna”
                                                                                (preschools suffered huge destruction). The Children’s Secretariat got into action

          34     Hemas Piyawara  - A Journey to the Future
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