Page 46 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 46

As a stunned Sri Lanka attempted to get its bearings, the very next day on December              The tsunami pathway
          27 , the Chairman of the Hemas Group, Husein Esufally, and the Board of Directors
          summoned a hurried meeting to brainstorm how as a leading company it could lend a
          much-needed hand in the face of this natural disaster, the country’s worst in recorded
          In subdued discussions, the Hemas Group decided on a 2-way strategy – for its Human
          Resources (HR) Division to ensure the welfare and well-being of its own employees
          and business partners and for the team dealing with corporate social responsibility
          (CSR) to support the wider community.

          The short-term plan was to dispatch immediate assistance in the form of consumer
          goods to the value of US$ 30,000 and pharmaceuticals to the value of US$ 78,000, which
          the Hemas Group did on December 28 , 30  and 31  respectively.
          It was also around this time that the President’s Office called the Hemas Group, seeking
          support for the tsunami survivors. As the Hemas Group was already engaged with
          children through Piyawara in the national Early Childhood Care and Development
          (ECCD) programme, it readily agreed to look at the needs in this sphere. This had
          drawn commendation as nobody had given much thought to very young children
          under 5 years of age, a vital segment of society. There followed a short and long-term        Sri Lanka's tsunami-hit districts
          plan to focus on preschools.                                                                     Numbers of Displaced Persons

          With the necessity for a mechanism within the Hemas Group to respond to the                       Jaffna
          challenges the tsunami had thrown up becoming obvious, the CSR team had sat down                   Kilinochchi
          with officials of the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs under Minister Sumedha G.
          Jayasena, to develop the concept note.                                                           Mannar  Vavuniya

          The discussions focused on the urgent needs the promptly-established ‘Hemas
          Tsunami Foundation’ would look into and undertake to fulfil. The immediate need                     Anuradhapura
          was information from the tsunami-ravaged areas – the collection of data followed by            Puttalam   Polonnaruwa
          the setting up of temporary preschools within the largest welfare camps so that the                           Batticaloa
                                                                                                            Kurunegala  Matale
          traumatized little ones could take their minds off the terrible plight they were in.
          To fulfil that need, preschool teachers from within the same camps had to be trained            Gampaha  Kegalle
                                                                                                                 Nuwara Eliya
          to handle the children, while also securing the services of others including parents            Colombo      Moneragala
          in those camps to contribute their energy to construct and maintain the preschool                Kalutara  Ratnapura
          buildings, giving them a sense of belonging in return.
                                                                                                             Galle   Hambantota

          38     Hemas Piyawara  - A Journey to the Future
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