Page 43 - Hemas_Piyawara_Book
P. 43

promptly and worked with all the Divisional Secretariats in the tsunami-hit areas to
                                                                                   obtain government land to build new preschools.
                                                                                   For the Piyawara project of the Hemas Group, securing land went smoothly due to
                                                                                   the PPP, whereas for many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) it was a major
                                                                                   hurdle which obstructed them from completing their work. In contrast, the building of
                                                                                   Piyawara preschools sailed along even in the turbulent post-tsunami period as it had
                                                                                   the nod of the ministry and the local government authorities.
                                                                                   Hundreds of homeless little ones were in welfare centres and Sunil and his staff along
                                                                                   with the Hemas team visited them.
                                                                                   Mobilizing the services of idle teenagers, short-term teacher training courses, as well
                                                                                   as parental awareness programmes had been conducted, after exhaustive discussions
                                                                                   between the Children’s Secretariat and the Hemas team looking into all requirements.
                                                                                   With the government providing the resource personnel, temporary preschools had
                                                                                   soon been organized within these welfare centres be it in Kalutara, Galle, Balapitiya
                                                                                   or Hambantota.
            Ms. Indrani Sugathadasa addressing the audience at the Habaraduwa Preschool opening in 2006 (above).   The clear stamp of government approval is evident when Sunil says that after two
            Ms. Yamuna Perera addressing the participants at a teacher training programme (below).
                                                                                   decades Piyawara has proven that it is a sustainable project, embracing the whole of
                                                                                   Sri Lanka, from north to south and west to east.

                                                                                   His verdict on a very successful PPP in Sri Lanka is: “Davantha piyawarak.” (A giant

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