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              •  2019 - Asia’s Most Socially Responsible Company of the Year at the Asia Corporate
                 Excellence & Sustainability (ACES) Awards in Bangkok, Thailand.

              •  2016 - Gold Award for Best CSR Programme at the 6  Professional & Career
                 Women Awards of Women in Management (WIM).
              •  2015 - A Special Award from the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs of Sri Lanka
                 for dedication and commitment to uplifting the development of Sri Lanka’s
                 children through Piyawara.

              •  2014  -  Best  Community  Care  Company  in  Asia/Best  CSR  Campaign  in  Asia
                 awarded by MORS (Management of Organizations) sustainability research
                 organization in Singapore.
              •  2014 - The JASTECA (Japan-Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association) CSR
                 Gold Award.

              •  2007 - Best Educational Project in Asia – Asia CSR Awards Vietnam presented by
                 the Asian Institute of Management.
                                                                                     The Hemas team after receiving Asia’s Most Socially Responsible Company of the Year at
              •  2007 - Best Tsunami Project Sri Lanka presented by the Ceylon Chamber of   the Asia Corporate Excellence & Sustainability (ACES) Awards in Bangkok, Thailand in
                 Commerce.                                                           2019.

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